Rehabilitation Therapy at MCMH + Clinics
Rehabilitation Therapy services are provided in partnership with Rehab Visions and consists of Physical, Occupational, Speech Therapy and a comprehensive range of hospital rehab services.
Call us at 712.623.7163 to schedule your appointment today or learn more!
Physical Therapy
With many illnesses or injuries, a variety of movement and functionality deficits may occur. Physical therapists are the hands-on specialists who evaluate, treat, and help prevent these problems. They work directly with patients on an inpatient or outpatient basis to help increase movement potential and decrease pain, while aiding recovery and achieving therapy goals.
Who can benefit from physical therapy? |
Physical therapy helps many types of people, from someone learning to walk again after a stroke to a person regaining use of an injured hand. Among people who most commonly benefit from physical therapy are those who have experienced:
- stroke
- head injury
- joint replacement
- Fractures back and neck problems
- arthritis and joint pain
- tendinitis/bursitis
- strains/sprains
- work-related injuries
- sports injuries
- neurological disorders
- pelvic floor dysfunction/incontinence
How can physical therapy help? |
Once the patient's specific needs are determined, physical therapy can help restore function and develop skills that will increase mobility and safety. Specifically, physical therapy most often involves the following treatments to help achieve the highest possible level of health:
- balance training
- gait training
- range of motion exercises
- neuromuscular re-education
- pain management
- wound care
- therapeutic exercise to improve strength and endurance
- orthotic/prosthetic training
- function mobility skills
- joint and soft tissue mobilization
- sports retraining
- women's health services
- pelvic floor retraining
Learn More About Physical Therapy
Occupational Therapy
The goal of occupational therapy is to help people re-establish some or all of their independence as they recover from injury or illness. Therapy programs include individualized assessment of home and job situations, as well as treatment and training to rebuild skills and strength. For some patients, that could be simply learning to use a spoon or tie shoes again or it may include finding alternative methods to help accomplish daily tasks and activities.
Who can benefit from occupational therapy?
Who can benefit from occupation therapy? |
Occupational therapy helps people whose ability to remain self-sufficient has been disrupted by illness, injury, developmental disability or the normal aging process. While it can help an injured worker recover and return to work, occupational therapy can help other people as well, from children with disabilities to adults who may have trouble properly grooming or feeding themselves for a variety of reasons. The therapist not only helps the patients, but also assists caregivers and family members. Some of the patients who benefit from occupational therapy include those who have experienced:
- stroke
- head injury
- neurological disorders
- developmental delay
- work-related injuries
- cumulative trauma disorder
How occupational therapy can help?
Occupational therapy programs are designed to identify specific needs and provide treatment that can bring back health, confidence and self-sufficiency in a work-related, as well as home environment.
What kind of treatments often does occupational therapy focus on? |
- activities of daily living (feeding, dressing, grooming)
- positioning Adaptive equipment
- home safety and management
- cognition/dementia management
- upper extremity, fine motor and therapeutic exercise programs
- bathroom safety
- visual/perceptual programs
- caring for splints
- hand therapy
- work injury
- job analysis

Speech-Language Therapy
Speech-language therapy involves a variety of treatments to help improve communication and swallowing.
Who can benefit from speech-language therapy?
Speech-language therapy can help people of all ages with many types of communication disorders, whether from ongoing difficulties or a sudden injury. Patients who benefit from speech-language therapy include those who have experienced:
- stroke
- head or neck injury
- certain cancers
- neurological disorders
- developmental disabilities
How can speech-language therapy help? |
Speech-language therapy can enhance the patient's quality of life by improving many aspects of communication.
Treatments often focus on:
- verbal and written expression
- swallowing
- reading comprehension
- cognition/dementia management
- alternative communication systems
- slurred speech
- stuttering or stammering
- the inability to form words
- hearing impairment rehabilitation
- developmental speech-language delay/disorder
- improving memory skills
- voice disorders
Skilled Care & Hospital Services:
Our physical, occupational and speech therapists work closely with our inpatient staff to support patients who are in our Skilled Care program. Lear more by clicking the link below!
Learn More About Skilled Care